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Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Although amphibians exhibit both terrestrial and aquatic characteristic, they are strictly cold-blooded or ectothermic. Certain fish adapted to these changing conditions by gradually developing limbs to crawl with and lungs to breathe with.

The first amphibians arose about 370 million years ago; since then, they have diverged into more than 7,000 species worldwide.

When the females approach, the males clasp them around the back and fertilize the eggs as they are deposited.

In order to colonize arid habitats, some frogs -- namely waxy monkey frogs (Phyllomedusa sauvagil) -- have developed a protective mechanism: a lipid is secreted from glands in the skin, which the frog spreads over its body with its feet. Amphibians tend to bask in the sun to raise their body temperature and retreat to a cold place to lower their temperature. An amphibian’s skin is wet and often covered with a sticky fluid that prevents it from becoming dry. Internal Features: (a) Soft parts: i. In the larval stages, and in the per-ennibranchiate urodeles the external gills help in … Others produce poison that protects them from enemies. They do not have the internal mechanisms to regulate their own body temperatures like mammals do. Amphibian, any of roughly 8,100 vertebrate species known by their ability to exploit both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Amphibians that lay completely terrestrial eggs undergo metamorphosis inside the egg and hatch as fully formed, miniature adults.While caecilians have scales similar to fish, most other amphibians have moist, permeable skin. While most frogs and salamanders deposit their eggs directly into the water, some species have adapted methods for terrestrial egg deposition. The name amphibian, derived from the Greek word meaning ‘living a double life,’ reflects this dual life strategy, but some species are permanent … Their skin must be kept moist, so they live close to water. While most amphibians consume invertebrates like insects, arachnids and earthworms, some eat small vertebrates as well. The amphibian egg lacks a calcified shell, consisting mostly of jelly -- making it susceptible to rapid desiccation if exposed to the air. Learn how a hibernating frog survives in a frozen environment.

Amphibians were the first vertebrates (animals with backbones) to live on land. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The three living orders of amphibians vary greatly in size and structure. Amphibians are four-legged, cold-blooded vertebrates who generally spend part of their time on land.

Many amphibian species produce poisons from glands in the skin that they use to protect themselves from predators; some species -- like some poison dart frogs (Dendrobates sp.) Central and South America, as well as West Africa, are known to have remarkably rich frog fauna; however, sampling in Indonesia and southeast Asia hasn’t been as thorough as it has been in the other areas, and this region may have even more diversity. The three major amphibian clades -- frogs, salamanders and the worm-like caecilians -- have each diverged greatly, but share several common characteristics.Living amphibians produce much different eggs than strictly terrestrial organisms like reptiles do. ii. The lipid helps retard water loss, essentially forming a cocoon around the animal. Salamanders do not vocalize, but many species have ritualized courtship behaviors; some terrestrial species engage in complex dances, but the most developed rituals occur in aquatic species.

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Some terrestrial salamanders deposit their eggs in damp locations under rocks and logs. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn!

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