Meaning in current usage: “a beach” (John J Graham, 1999 - The Shetland Dictionary) The word is derived from the Old Norse eyrr, meaning a shingle beach or gravelly place, and may be applied to ordinary beaches, cliff-foot beaches such as the Lang Ayre in Northmavine, Shetland, spits, bars or tombolos, but only if formed of shingle.More than 130 such shingle beaches are named on … Definition of ayre in English: ayre. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Would anyone be willing to confirm and provide a source for the language of origin and possibly meaning of the words 'oyce' or 'houbs' as used in this article? 3. "Ayre" means a shingle beach of whatever form, so the name can be applied to a tombolo if it is formed of shingle, but there are plenty of ayres on the map which aren't tombolos. Etymology: The Norse linguist and philologist, Jakob Jakobsen gives as its origin the Old Norse “Øyri”, meaning a beach or piece of gravelly ground (Jakob Jakobsen, 1897 – The Dialect and Place Names of Shetland, and An etymological dictionary of the Norn language in Shetland. …art songs are the lute ayres published in large numbers from 1597 to 1622; the principal composers are John Dowland, Thomas Campion, Robert Jones, and Francis Pilkington. If so we should say so, whilst still explaining what it is and giving these examples, along with any subtle difference we can show evidence for. Ayres synonyms, Ayres pronunciation, Ayres translation, English dictionary definition of Ayres. Ayre, genre of solo song with lute accompaniment that flourished in England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. "Houb" comes from old Norse "Hōp", meaning a bay. History at your fingertips Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! In many cases the name runs along the beach or parallel to it on the seaward side, and all but three are named in black lettering indicating a terrestrial feature. Shingle spit - Little Ayre (HU437435), Muckle Ayre (HU446445), North and South Ayres of Cunnister (HU523968 and HU526962) Would the Fleet in Is there any evidence to support the assertion that Ayre derives from an Old Norse word for some kind of lake (perhaps even identify that word) or that “beach” is a secondary definition? An ayre is the name used for shingle beaches in Orkney and Shetland. Geomorphological definition: “a gravel beach or spit” (W. Mykura, 1976 – British Regional Geology – Orkney and Shetland, Institute of Geological Studies.) What, if any, is the difference between a lagoon and an ayre? "Hōp" occurs in Orkney as "Hope" in the names of bays (e.g. It is clear from this that the primary meaning of the word is a shingle beach, whether simple, cliff foot, spit, bar or tombolo. Bar with loch or lagoon - Muckle Ayre (HU365691)(the loch is called the Loch of North Haa), Ayres of Swinister (HU448723)(the lagoon is called The Houb), The Ayre(HY445112)(the loch, originally a lagoon, is calld the Peedie Sea) A ridge of sand or gravel formed by the sea; a gravelly beach; a sand-spit. Sand accumulating on the barrier has now formed a tombolo of sorts, but the ayre is marked on the 1882 Ordnance Survey maps so long predates this.

On the smaller scale maps the ayre name is in black, indicating a terrestrial feature. A town of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. All ayre names are associated with a beach, bar or spit, almost always of shingle. Mid 16th century; earliest use found in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
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ayre geography definition

n a port in SW Scotland, in South Ayrshire. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. "Ayre" means a shingle beach of whatever form, so the name can be applied to a tombolo if it is formed of shingle, but there are plenty of ayres on the map which aren't tombolos. See also the Wiktionary definition)

Meaning in current usage: “a beach” (John J Graham, 1999 - The Shetland Dictionary) The word is derived from the Old Norse eyrr, meaning a shingle beach or gravelly place, and may be applied to ordinary beaches, cliff-foot beaches such as the Lang Ayre in Northmavine, Shetland, spits, bars or tombolos, but only if formed of shingle.More than 130 such shingle beaches are named on … Definition of ayre in English: ayre. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Would anyone be willing to confirm and provide a source for the language of origin and possibly meaning of the words 'oyce' or 'houbs' as used in this article? 3. "Ayre" means a shingle beach of whatever form, so the name can be applied to a tombolo if it is formed of shingle, but there are plenty of ayres on the map which aren't tombolos. Etymology: The Norse linguist and philologist, Jakob Jakobsen gives as its origin the Old Norse “Øyri”, meaning a beach or piece of gravelly ground (Jakob Jakobsen, 1897 – The Dialect and Place Names of Shetland, and An etymological dictionary of the Norn language in Shetland. …art songs are the lute ayres published in large numbers from 1597 to 1622; the principal composers are John Dowland, Thomas Campion, Robert Jones, and Francis Pilkington. If so we should say so, whilst still explaining what it is and giving these examples, along with any subtle difference we can show evidence for. Ayres synonyms, Ayres pronunciation, Ayres translation, English dictionary definition of Ayres. Ayre, genre of solo song with lute accompaniment that flourished in England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. "Houb" comes from old Norse "Hōp", meaning a bay. History at your fingertips Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! In many cases the name runs along the beach or parallel to it on the seaward side, and all but three are named in black lettering indicating a terrestrial feature. Shingle spit - Little Ayre (HU437435), Muckle Ayre (HU446445), North and South Ayres of Cunnister (HU523968 and HU526962) Would the Fleet in Is there any evidence to support the assertion that Ayre derives from an Old Norse word for some kind of lake (perhaps even identify that word) or that “beach” is a secondary definition? An ayre is the name used for shingle beaches in Orkney and Shetland. Geomorphological definition: “a gravel beach or spit” (W. Mykura, 1976 – British Regional Geology – Orkney and Shetland, Institute of Geological Studies.) What, if any, is the difference between a lagoon and an ayre? "Hōp" occurs in Orkney as "Hope" in the names of bays (e.g. It is clear from this that the primary meaning of the word is a shingle beach, whether simple, cliff foot, spit, bar or tombolo. Bar with loch or lagoon - Muckle Ayre (HU365691)(the loch is called the Loch of North Haa), Ayres of Swinister (HU448723)(the lagoon is called The Houb), The Ayre(HY445112)(the loch, originally a lagoon, is calld the Peedie Sea) A ridge of sand or gravel formed by the sea; a gravelly beach; a sand-spit. Sand accumulating on the barrier has now formed a tombolo of sorts, but the ayre is marked on the 1882 Ordnance Survey maps so long predates this.

On the smaller scale maps the ayre name is in black, indicating a terrestrial feature. A town of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. All ayre names are associated with a beach, bar or spit, almost always of shingle. Mid 16th century; earliest use found in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

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