chobham academy primary staff

If you want to get involved please send in your entries by THURSDAY 16th JULY! Download our FREE smartphone app today! Let's keep up the good work in week 5! On Tuesday evening Mr. Whitworth hosted a back to school briefing for parents where he answered questions about September that had been submitted ahead of time, if you were unable to attend you can watch a recording on our YouTube channel Thank you so much for all your hard work over this school year. Well done to all who have taken part so far!! You have collectively answered over half a million questions on hegartymaths! This week’s Wellbeing Bulletin has been sent home.

Congratulations to the top 3 most improved classes! We understand that if staff are to give their best to our students over a sustained period of time, then the school needs to provide them with the best deal possible. We hope you find this useful!With the start of a new week we want to celebrate the amazing completion of 23,584 questions in week 4 through Home Learning tasks. We encourage our pupils to think big: we want them to have the widest horizons and the greatest success. We hope you find this useful!With the start of a new week we want to celebrate the amazing completion of 23,584 questions in week 4 through Home Learning tasks. Chobham Academy is a state comprehensive school which welcomes children of all backgrounds and abilities. Our well-being bulletin is being sent home to parents today. Michael Holding delivers a powerful message, explaining why Year 6s who are joining us next year - don’t forget to get your scores in for our Virtual Sports Day!! Chobham consists of a nursery with 52 equivalent full-time admissions; a primary phase of 630 students; Years 7-11 made up of 900 students a sixth form of 300 students. Budding architects & engineers in east London, LK East Summer School programme! Chobham consists of a nursery with 52 equivalent full-time admissions; a primary phase of 630 students; Years 7-11 made up of 900 students a sixth form of 300 students. Above all, Chobham is a friendly and understanding place where staff understand that new students may take a little while to settle in and get used to all of the new systems and responsibilities which secondary school …

A well deserved congratulations to last week's top 3 classes for all your efforts! On Tuesday evening Mr. Whitworth hosted a back to school briefing for parents where he answered questions about September that had been submitted ahead of time, if you were unable to attend you can watch a recording on our YouTube channel Thank you so much for all your hard work over this school year. School Direct is an excellent school based training programme which gives participants experience of being in the classroom whilst they train, together with regular days out of school to look in depth at the theories underpinning successful classroom practice. With the start of a new week we want to celebrate the amazing completion of 23,584 questions in week 4 through Home Learning tasks. Based at the heart of the Olympic East Village, Chobham Academy is an Academy for 4-18 year olds.

Budding architects & engineers in east London, LK East Summer School programme! We are part of the Inspiration Trust family, a close-knit group family of schools in East Anglia. Let's keep up the good work in week 5! As usual it is packed with ideas to support you, your family and friends so please do share it.Celebrating students' maths work . Chobham consists of a nursery with 52 equivalent full-time admissions; a primary phase of 630 students; Years 7-11 made up of 900 students a sixth form of 300 students. Deadline is this Friday!!!! Chobham Academy is dedicated to ensuring that whatever the needs of your child, we will guide them to .. As a result, leaders, staff, pupils, parents and carers are rightly proud of the school and fully committed to its motto of, ‘Caring, Proud, Successful’. Based at the heart of the Olympic East Village, Chobham Nursery and Primary School is dedicated to ensuring that whatever the needs of your child, we will guide them to reach their absolute potential.
Admissions Arrangements for Chobham Academy Nursery for 2020-21 Chobham Academy is a state comprehensive school which welcomes children of all backgrounds and abilities. All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration. Take a look at our new video showing St Lawrence C of E Primary School Staff demonstrating how we are all working together to support each other and all of the children and families in our school community. With the start of a new week we want to celebrate the amazing completion of 21,964 questions in week 5 through Home Learning tasks.Congratulations to the 10X-Ma2 for earning the top slot for the first time! Twitter.

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