Its bed is now broad, studded with islands and enclosed by high banks. The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.
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isles in a sentence

He devoted many years to carrying out a project for organizing the fur trade from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean, and thence by way of the Hawaiian Perhaps the best natural harbour of the republic is that of Bahia Blanca, a large bay of good depth, sheltered by To the north as far as the rocky point of St Gildas, sheltering the mouth of the Loire, the shore, often occupied by salt marshes (marshes of Poitou and Brittany), is low-lying and hollowed by deep bays sheltered by large It appears to be common in the neighbourhood of Cape Town, while the recent Antarctic expeditions have shown that it occurs in various localities from the Falkland By his time the kingdom must have reached the west coast, as he is said to have conquered the Fernandez obtained from the Spanish government a grant of the The Church now has, besides these missions, others in India (1834), Siam (1840), China (1846),(1846), Colombia (1856), Brazil (1859),(1859), Japan (1859), Laos (1867),(1867), Mexico (transferred in 1872 by the American and Foreign Christian Union), Chile (transferred in 1873 by the same Union; first established in 1845), Guatemala (1882),(1882), Korea (1884)(1884) and the Philippine In this connexion it is of interest to note that, both in the Mediterranean The lake is nowhere of great depth, and about midway numerous mud-banks, marshes, No less, indeed, than twenty buildings of ecclesiastical or monastic character have been enumerated in the three It lies on the south side of the Bukken Fjord, and has a picturesque harbour well sheltered by The city is the largest in British Columbia, and is the chief Canadian shipping port for Japan, China, Australia and the The mud brought down by it, calculated at 7150 lb an hour at Bagdad, is not deposited in marshes to form alluvium, as in the case of the Euphrates, but although in flood time the river becomes at places an inland sea, rendering navigation extremely difficult and uncertain, the bulk of the mud is deposited in banks, shoals and Congo for maternity cases and cases of curable Ubangi-Chad illness; (2) the hospice, where the aged Madagascar poor, cases of incurable malady, orphans, Nossi-be Island foundlings and other children without Ste Marie Island means of support, and in some cases Comoro The Loyalty islanders are Melanesians; the several The Loyalty group was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century, and Dumont d'Urville laid down the several A governor has been appointed since 1885, some importance being foreseen for the On many of the islets numerous tropical fruits are found growing wild, but they are no doubt escapes from cultivation, just as the large herds of wild cattle, horses, donkeys, pigs, goats and dogs - the last large and fierce - which occur abundantly on most of the Except on Charles Island, where settlement has existed longest, little or no influence of the presence of man is evident in the group; still, the running wild of dogs and cats, and, as regards the vegetation, especially goats, must in a comparatively short period greatly modify the biological conditions of the The origin and development of these conditions, in Of the seven species of giant tortoises known to science (although at the discovery of the Equally indecisive is the further exploration as to evidence for the opinion held by other naturalists that the endemic species of the different If their ancestors had been carried out to sea once or twice by a flood and safely drifted as far as the Galapagos (1876); Sclater and Salvin, "Characters of New Species collected by Dr Habel in the Galapagos The narrow Svendborg Sund separates Fiinen from the lesser Existing marsupials may be divided into three main divisions or sub-orders, of which the first, or Polyprotodontia, is common to America and Australasia; the second, or Paucituberculata, is exclusively South American; while the third, or Diprotodonts, is as solely Australasian inclusive of a few in the eastern Austro-Malayan All are animals of small or moderate size and arboreal habits, feeding on a vegetable or mixed diet, and inhabiting Australia, Papua and the Moluccan Among such settlements may be mentioned Phaselis in Lycia, perhaps also Soli in Cilicia, Salapia on the east Italian coast, Gela in Sicily, the Lipari In home waters the Rhodians exercised political control over Carpathos and other During the later Roman empire Rhodes was the capital of the province of the With the exception of Tasmania there are no important On the east coast there are a few small and unimportant Kangaroo Island, at the entrance of St Vincent Gulf, is one of the largest But they have been separated by the foundering of the Coral Sea and the Tasman Sea, which divided the continent of Australia from the The Mesozoic begins with a Triassic land period in the mainland of Australia; while the The comparatively few indigenous placental mammals, besides the dingo or wild dog - which, however, may have come from the He had annihilated the petty kings of the South, had crushed the aristocracy, enforced the acceptance of Christianity throughout the kingdom, asserted his suzerainty in the Orkney CALBAYOG, a town of the province of Samar, Philippine With the exception of Wangeroog, which belongs to the grand duchy of Oldenburg, the East Frisian Neuwerk and Scharhorn, situated off the mouth of the Elbe, are With the exception of Fano, which is Danish, all these In the North Frisian group there are also several smaller The colony of the Straits Settlements consists of the Representatives of it are found scattered about the In 1595 the first Dutch expedition sailed from the Texel, but it took a more southerly course than its predecessors and confined its operations to Java and the neighbouring Singapore is the political, commercial and administrative headquarters of the colony of the Straits Settlements, and the governor for the time being is ex officio high commissioner of the Federated Malay States, British North Borneo, Sarawak, the Cocos-Keeling and Christmas In December 16 J4 Cromwell despatched Penn and Venables with a fleet of thirty-eight ships and 2500 soldiers to the West Indies, their numbers being raised by recruits at the European geographers have been accustomed to divide the 2 Port Lloyd, the chief anchorage (situated on Peel Island), is considered by Commodore Perry - who visited the Next a small party consisting of two British subjects, two American citizens, and a Dane, sailed from the Sandwich When Commodore Perry arrived in 1853, there were on Peel Island thirty-one inhabitants, four being English, four American, one Portuguese and the rest natives of the Sandwich But in 1861 the British government renounced all claim to the There is now regular steam communication; the affairs of the There are no mountains of any considerable height in the Ogasawara North of the fiftieth parallel the depths diminish towards the north-east, two long submarine ridges of volcanic origin extend north-eastwards to the southwest of Iceland and to the Faeroe long., Monaco Deep and Chun Deep off the north-west of Africa, Moseley Deep off the Cape Verde Bruce, the leader of the Scottish expedition, finds that there is a ridge " extending in a curve from Madagascar to Bouvet Island, and from Bouvet Island to the Sandwich group, whence there is a forked connexion through the South Orkneys to Graham's Land, and through South Georgia to the Falkland Again, the central ridge of the South Atlantic extends a thousand miles farther south than was supposed, joining the east and west ridge, just described, between the Bouvet The Atlantic Ocean contains a relatively small number of Newfoundland, the West Indies, and the Falklands, and the chief oceanic The first passes northwards, most of it between the Faeroe and Shetland It is chiefly found in the tropical parts of Asia and Africa, but has also been met with in South Carolina and several of the West Indian Stevenson, who in 1892 advocated the use of the inductive system pure and simple for communication between the mainland and isolated lighthouses or The greater part of this trough is over 600 fathoms deep. incantata The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States by act of Congress July 7, 1898. The Dutch West Frisian and the German East Frisian Islands are barrier islands. Some cities exhibit a heat island effect, largest at night. The Falkland Islands, in essence, is a company town. magico Translations of the phrase THE ENCHANTED ISLES from english to italian and examples of the use of "THE ENCHANTED ISLES" in a sentence with their translations: The enchanted isles . Translations of the phrase VIRGIN ISLANDS from english to danish and examples of the use of "VIRGIN ISLANDS" in a sentence with their translations: Denmark and the US virgin islands the westindian heritage. Pontiae), the principal of a small group of The cordage works are among the largest in the world, and consume immense quantities of sisal fibre imported from Mexico and manila from the Philippine In 1900 he was asked by President McKinley to accept the presidency of the Philippine Commission charged with the administration of the SAN' 'MIGUEL DE MAYUMO, a town of the province of Bulacan, Luzon, Philippine His next publication was Observations on the Ancient and Present State of the In 1154 the diocese of Sodor was formed to include the Hebrides and other The Norwegian connexion was broken in 1266, and in 1334 Man was detached from the Scottish Caimi the present Jewish communities of Greece are divisible into five groups: (r) Arta (Epirus); (2) Chalcis (Euboea); (3) Athens (Attica); (4) Volo, Larissa and Trikala (Thessaly); and (5) Corfu and Zante (Ionian It is along the western side of the northern half of the chain that the line of volcanic action is apparent; the high, with hills rising to 600 ft.; their sides are generally steep. Example sentences from Wikipedia that use the word isles: . The urban heat island effect can increase temperatures, particularly overnight.

Its bed is now broad, studded with islands and enclosed by high banks. The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.

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