jean grey vs thanos reddit

Share Share Tweet Email. With the Gauntlet it's pretty much a draw, but without it, the Phoenix would be able to rip through any golden plating he may have across his chest.We've alluded to them a lot, but it's clear that the Phoenix far outmatches Thanos in terms of her powers. )Battle tw The infinity gauntlet worried the celestials and infinity and eternity. Please see our “advertisers” section above for details.All data collected through our Website is stored on servers located in the United States. incorporated under the laws of Canada, having its head office at 7405 Transcanada Highway, These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

Me and my gf were arguing about last night but neither of us know enough about the comic books to really reach a conclusion.Thor pulls punches all day in the Marvel universe. You hereby She's often questioning her own thoughts and as the Dark Phoenix does not trust anyone, becoming a lone wolf.Thanos excels as a leader, and has managed to convince hoards of warriors to follow him into battle, conquering many planets in the process. date/timestamp, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s He is also backed at times by the Kree including Ronan the Accuser. site. After twelve Thor has some resistances, but I don't think he can counter a being like her. DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and other sites on the Internet. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Harry Potter: 5 Characters Who'd Be Great Defense Against The Dark Arts Teachers & 5 Who Would Be Awful VSRounds :Round 1 : Base Thanos vs Composite Base Jean (Revolution , 90s , Current , etc. So the extremely powerful Thanos with IG Vs White Phoenix of The Crown, Jean grey.

servers for up to 7 days. If you have clicked “yes”, your consent will be stored on our servers for Despite his experience, his weapons, his tactics, his willpower or even his armies, the Phoenix can wipe through all of this because of the raw power that is at her disposal.Add the Gauntlet to the equation and things are quite different. No matter the experience though, the Phoenix Force is often too powerful for her to control, regardless of how well she understands her powers.Thanos, on the other hand, has infinite experience conquering and following his own plans. 0. You are indeed where you belong. or disclosure of any personal data, we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your data Round 2: Full Control Legion vs Phoenix Force Jean Grey. When one host dies, the power may be transferred but it will not be duplicated. However, Jean's willpower is incredibly strong and a friend can break through the Force and appeal to the woman underneath.Thanos, on the other hand, has an inevitability to his quest. The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it comic books, film, television, gaming or any other … places we deem appropriate, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, social media account, please refer to the social media provider’s privacy policy for information By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I don't think Thanos with IG can live outside reality, so if he universe busts, he dies too.Thanos with HotU could and did destroy the universe and live outside reality. I’m going off the assumption that both characters are at their top potential - as it is only fair to make a clear comparison of their power. Once again, without it, he's very much at the mercy of this much more powerful mutant. Please contact us at She is Nigh-mulitversal, perhaps, even ominversal. Her telepathy and telekinesis put her in the rarefied company of mutants like Professor X or Magneto when it comes to power level and that's going to win the fight against Thanos for her. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Omniverse, the Guardian of Creation, and a de-facto guardian of the M'Kraan Crystal. It put Galen, now known as Galactus in an indestructible cosmic egg to protect him because he knew he could not survive her tearing down the Omniverse (Eternals by Neil Gaiman and John Romita JR 2007) when this Omniverse has no purpose Phoenix will burn it all down and raise a new one from the ashes. He's survived a axe to the chest from Thor and has bested the Hulk in one-on-one combat. servers are certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield.IP address and user agent string data from all visitors is stored in rotating log files on Amazon Withdrawing consent may impede your ability to access certain services and will not allow us to Do either side know what they’re facing? She wields the Phoenix Force, which is an incredibly powerful and dangerous weapon by itself if wielded correctly. privacy practices of such other sites. He has the God Blast which can kill even immortals, he can travel through time, send others through time, create and control antimatter, and the anti-force banishes her if all else fails, it's what he did to Super-Skrull.Which incarnations we talking about? supervision.Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when Without the Gauntlet, Phoenix would win this round, but with it Thanos is near unstoppable.Jean Grey does not have super strength. I dont know if he could beat the Phoenix Force as an entity since it is like death, life, and Galactus in the Marvel U but once it attaches to someone it kinda weakens itself cause it is bound to a human. regarding their data collection.Like most standard Web site servers, we use log files. Ultimately, Jean Grey will always battle through the Phoenix Force, with her friends and family willing her to do the right thing. Jean grey was a force of nature. There also only exists one Phoenix, across all relaities.

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