and without drawbacks of any sort. - instigator bolt carbine allows to the eliminator to make move after shooting overwatch and before the charge is resolved? Watch Queue Queue. Are they any decent? 0000007424 00000 n Pretty much always have the sarge take a bolt carbine and then have him give the rest the plus one to hit and wound. 0000009525 00000 n 435 0 obj <> endobj xref Taking 3 units of Bolt Snipers pretty much guarantees you're obliterating a character every turn, which is phenomenal against Eldar and GSC that tend to have a lot of T3-4 characters to keep their lists running.So it's less about the Las Fusils being worth it as it is about the Bolt Rifles being To add to this: tree units, one with fusils and the carbine, and two with normal rifles, plus a captain with Phobos armour, comes out to 342 points. 0000021697 00000 n

0000016377 00000 n 0000056375 00000 n Depends how you want to build your list. If you are running other chapter, a squad of eliminators with 2 las-fusil and a instigator carbine costs 110 pts. 0000003163 00000 n Anyone have experience with Las-fusil Eliminators? 0000013929 00000 n If it had any one of those, it would be worth it as a character sniper, but right now, the Eliminator just does the job better. The bolt snipers is better in its own way but that will also raise the hell out of the snipers threat level making them the first unit the enemy would want to kill. Is this WFB ? They can also be infiltrated to get inrange of enemy targets turn 1 (though that would also make them prime targets themselves.). 6 of them will drop 1 flyer per turn, but against 26+ Wound targets they just fall short.For 24pts per model even the snipers arent that bad at anti tank. How is everyone finding las-fusils?

especially the first doctrine if you have a lot of heavy weapons you can stay with this doctrine for the whole game!

0000043146 00000 n 0000011930 00000 n Page 21 – Adeptus Mechanicus, Melee Weapons Add the following entry: MELEE WEAPONS POINTS/WEAPON Power maul 5 Page 29 – Chaos Knights, Ranged Weapons Change the plasma decimator and volcano lance entries to read: RANGED WEAPONS POINTS/WEAPON So if you get them to shoot for two turns they certainly can make their points … 435 52 0000002084 00000 n 0000008928 00000 n ).Doing the math for you here, when shooting against one of the most popular vehicle rn, the Repulsor Executioner, w/ Captain reroll and the tank doesn’t have cover bonus; Hellblasters (w/ plasma incinerator) needs ~20.5 shots in any active doctrine; Eliminators needs ~16.5 shots in non-devastator doctrine, and ~13.5 shots in devastator doctrine. 0000017526 00000 n 177 points for 3. But still they are not the ideal choice in killing T8 tanks.Plasma Inceptors are better IMO, 3 Wounds, T5, Deepstrike are all great value additions. 1D10+3 with overcharge packs only gets you so far! If you are running RG bolt sniping rifle is so much better that discussion is unnecessary. The problem is that the newly buffed to S5 Bolt Sniper Rifles are really really good for their points.

This video is unavailable. Oubliez ce que vous avez appris dans les films et jeux vidéos : apprendre à tirer correctement au fusil nécessite de la pratique, de la préparation et le respect de différentes mesures de sécurité. 0000056696 00000 n 2 squads of this with Master Artisan CT can let you reliably take down 3 Aggressors or Eradicators, or some T7 vehicles every turn. Connaitre les bases vous permettra de développer vos aptitudes à la manipulation d'une arme, que vous vouliez vous adonner au tir sportif ou à la chasse. 5+ to wound with 50% chance to get a mortal wound and then deal d3 damage. Eliminator . The Las Fusil is a powerful, anti-personnel heavy Laser Weapon used by Space Marine Eliminator Squads. Playing This Game Core Rules Open Play Narrative Play Matched Play Advanced Rules FAQs. 0000008571 00000 n New option You can swap the Helix Adept (medic, and rez on 5+) for Another good option if you consider the new doctrines!Bolt sniper rifle ammo options buffed to S5 and all have sniper now.Your Space Marines will begin the battle with the Devastator Doctrine active. At the start of any of your turns (after the first), you can choose to change from the Devastator Doctrine to the Tactical Doctrine, and again on a later turn, from the Tactical Doctrine to the Assault Doctrine. 0000010954 00000 n If they were different datasheets I could see people playing looking at the Las Fusils more.Am interested in this also as I've just bought a box of eliminators. 0000054634 00000 n Sergeant can be equipped with one of the following instead of 1 bolt sniper rifle: 1 instigator bolt carbine; 1 las fusil. Comment tirer au fusil. 0000043894 00000 n 0000021240 00000 n Pour créer cet article, 9 personnes, certaines anonymes, ont participé à son édition et à son amélioration au fil du temps. Reiversare swift and dynamic, close-ranged operatives. The Rules. 0000005905 00000 n - posted in + SPACE MARINES +: Fraters, I bought two boxes of the multi-part ones (as opposed to the monopose Shadowspear ones) specifically for the option to use las-fusils, but they took so long to come in, Ive had time to second-guess myself. The Open Dread flamer feels a lot more powerful now ! Not good but you can expect a few wounds from 3 cheap squads.As raven guard they are even better since many of the hardest targets are characters like knights and tank commanders.Snipers crush characters and can do some damage against other targets while the other option is good against tanks but not as allround as the sniper variant for more points. Sources Codex: Space Marines (8th Edition) (Revised Codex), pp. They also have multi-spectrum arrays that prevent them from suffering any negative modifiers when using ranged weapons.They also get once per game Mine that do 1d3 mortal wounds (+1 vs vehicle)Yay new Rhino !!! 2D10+? Reading and understanding the rules is important, and the responsibility of every user.Press J to jump to the feed. 0000018860 00000 n

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